every part of the body has a response (reflex) point on the feet. The right foot corresponds to the right part of the body and the left foot, the left part. The feet have various nerve endings and it is felt that this is why reflexology works. The nerves are initialized at the reflex points with precise thumb and finger techniques. The nerve relays this stimulus through the nervous scheme up the spinal line to the related affected area of the body.
The feet are a major goal for these deposits since of the plenty of nerve endings present here; the truth that the feet are habitually restricted in shoes preventing the normal progress of the foot and the common nerve and blood supply to the feet; and the feet are at the end point of movement so blood has to be circulated back up beside the force of gravity. Clogging will slow down this function and toxins will lean to rust in the feet. These gritty crystal deposits can be conked out by Reflexology and the residue removed by the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. Once this has been attained, the equivalent body parts will be stimulated and the body will be in a much well again position and to be capable to heal itself.